Room Consultation

You’re loving your home, it feels right, and you’re happy with the choices you’ve made, but there’s just something about that one room that bugs you. The flow is off, you feel like you could do more with the space, or it just needs a makeover. If that’s the case, a room consultation is for you.

Priced at $200.

What to expect:

  • Step 1: Fifteener (15 min) chat to get on the same page, determine the scope of our project, and get to know one another.

  • Step 2: 30 min meeting in-person (pending COVID-19 regulations) or virtually. A deep dive into your room of choice.

  • Step 3: 30 min meeting to review your final Design Package.

  • Ongoing: Check-ins, progress updates, further guidance as needed.

Design Package includes:

  • Layout guide: Layout recommendations for your room of choice.

  • Style guide: Overall thematic feel of your space.

  • Product list: A list of items to achieve your new look.

NOTE: If you don’t have a big budget, we can take a look at other pieces in your home that you may be open to relocating.


Multiple Room Consultation